Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011

This week went really fast! It was kind of hard having Halloween on a Monday. We were already tired from the weekend and celebrating Halloween at my parents' and then we were busy again with Halloween on Monday night. We just took the kids trick-or-treating around our little part of the neighborhood. Jordan was Captain Rex from the Clone Wars (Star Wars) and Danny was Elmo!

I am insanely in love with Pinterest lately! I saw these cute pudding monsters on there and the mummy chocolate bars and just had to make them!

Jordan with his red pudding monster!

 How cute are these guys! We went them to school and daycare with the boys to hand out. It was fun to wrap them up and put their eyeballs on! I love googly eyes!!!!


Laraf123 said...

Those pudding monsters are awfully awesome!

christine.woody said...

Wow! Cute and creative!