Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Slice of Life #28 - Hi! My Name Is Cranky

The Slice of Life Challenge is hosted by Two Writing Teachers.

I am so cranky tonight. I had a really long day, it was a nice day, but it was a long day. We got up super early, took showers, and go the kids to daycare and preschool by 6:45 so we could go downtown. We wandered around the city, had a nice lunch, grabbed some cupcakes (vegan for me!) and then headed back home. I picked up the kids, we played outside, we had dinner, played inside, read books, brushed teeth, and put the kids to bed. I know I'm on spring break but I'm still exhausted. 

I am also totally caught up in reading Shine by Lauren Myracle. I adore Lauren Myracle. I love her books but Shine is in a completely different league. It's so good. It's like a mystery that doesn't seem like a mystery. I have been thinking about it all day and I'm right at the end where everything is starting to click into place and things have been semi-figured out. I can't wait to finish it. 

BUT I have to write this cranky post. I tired and just want to crawl into bed and read my book but here I am writing this post - because I have made it 27 days and I'm not giving up on day 28 when 31 is so stinkin' close. 

I've had a journal for a really long time - probably since I was in elementary school when it was a diary - and then all throughout junior high, high school, college, and since we've been married. I had a journal just for when we were engaged and a journal just for when I was pregnant. I love to journal. More recently, I haven't used a journal like I have in the past. I use my blog for getting my thoughts out but I don't usually rant and rave on my blog.

Have you ever written a letter just to write it? Just to say how you are feeling and get out what you need to get out...but then never actually send the letter? I'm not an angry person in general but sometimes things make me mad and writing is a huge pressure release for me. I already feel better just pounding away at my keyboard to say that I'm tired and cranky because I have to write this post. I just want to read my book! 

Deep breath.

I feel much better. Sorry for this ranty, ravy post, but it's a good thing to let things out sometimes, don't you think? If you've never done it I suggest you try it. Your keyboard can take it. I'm off to read my book!

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