Look at me! I'm posting again. It feels good to be blogging again. I can't believe how much Danny has changed so I'm excited to share pictures of him as he grows. It's crazy to me that he's already 15 months old. This weekend we visited Edwards Apple Orchard and the Pumpkin Patch. Both are places Chad went to when he was a kiddo and now we've made it a tradition of taking our little family.
First, we stopped at the orchard. We went straight for the apple cider and apple cider donuts. Then we played a lot and went to the store for goodies.
Grandma and Aunt Jane - Aunt Jane's first apple cider donut!!! |
Chad, Danny, and Papa |
Jordan and me! He was all about the donuts and the cider! |
Danny's first apple cider donut (he was only 5 months last year!) |
Mmmm...sugary sweet. |
See? Look how big these kiddos are! Jordan and Danny! |
After the orchard, we went to the Pumpkin Patch! Jordan got to spend tickets on jumpy things and Chad and I launched pumpkins! Danny had fun petting the goats and looking at all the pumpkins.
Pumpkins!!! Arrrr(?)!!! |
This is Danny's sweet "Cheese" face. He actually says it! |
I'm glad we are able to take our kids there. It seems like there are so many small town or local places that are closing so it's nice that these two places are still around. I hope they continue to be there as our kids get older and maybe even when our kid have kids! Where do you pumpkin patch?
You know...we did get one medium sized pumpkin but we didn't get out pumpkin to carve yet! We were busy running around and having fun and didn't choose a pumpkin. We do have a great little pumpkin spot near our house so I'm sure we'll be there in the next week or so.
I'm so glad you are blogging again! I love seeing pictures of your kids and hearing about all the fun things you are doing!!
Dad and I had a lot of fun. I am ready to go back, I love Edwards Orchard, everything is so good and the quality of their products. Don't forget to send the cute pictures to Target for me so I can send the to Mamita. Thank you.
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