I love to have a schedule for working out and I feel like because of this program I am really accountable. They give me sample exercises to do...but...I have found one of the best workout programs that I have ever seen. It is an exercise program by Jillian Michaels, she is one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser, the show. She is pretty hard core and has developed this 3-2-1 exercise program that is awesome. We have Comcast and we can get the workouts through On Demand. Love it! Seriously, it kicks my butt in only 20 minutes, but I feel like it's not that hard. The workouts are very do-able but I completely feel like I have accomplished something in only 20 minutes.
I was running during the summer...but now that we are back in school it is so hard to find time. I can go to our fitness center after Jordan goes to bed, but it's hard to get out of the house and it's not really all the exciting to run a hundred laps around a tiny track. This is great for me right now. We'll see what kind of results I get in a few weeks. If you are looking for a new or different kind of workout this is definitely one to try!