Sunday, September 7, 2008

5 Chad Favorites!

5 Chad Favorites!

1. Chad is a wonderful, loving husband.  Even though he can get cranky sometimes, he really is a great man.  He worries about me and takes care me of me and deals with my craziness.

2. Chad is a great dad.  Chad is a great husband, but I think he is an even better dad.  I love to watch him play with Jordan and make Jordan laugh.  He loves to get him cool toys and take him places.  

3. Chad loves to sing.  Chad makes me laugh all the time when he sings songs and puts in his own lyrics.  He is always cracking me up.  

4. Chad has tons of energy.  Well, sometimes he gets tired, but when it's about something he loves, like Jordan or the Bears or American Idol, he has unlimited amounts of energy and he gets so excited.  His enthusiasm gets everyone else excited, too.  

5. Chad is a geniune friend.  Chad is my best friend, but he is also great to his/our other friends and family.  He really cares about people and what is going on in their lives.  If he tells you he's gonna be there, he'll be there, and early.  If you need him for anything, he finds a way to make it work.  He's a great friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, I couln't agree with you more, Chad is also a great son-in-law. I love to see him playing with Jordan, he loves him so much!
You and Jordan are very Lucky, he cares about you both 100%.