If you look on the left column of this blog you will notice that my favorite books are the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Twilight is the first in the series, then New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn (out August 2nd, 2008). It looks like the movie will be out in November of this year!!! Here is a picture of the cast for the movie. I can't wait!
Honestly, I heard about Twilight at a workshop and I checked it out from the library not really knowing that much about it. I was listening to it on CD and after a short time I was clutching the box trying to figure out what exactly this book was all about. You wanna know what it's about?? Vampires! Sounds freaky, but trust me, it's awesome. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like the series...and if that's you, please, comment now!
Twilight is an insane love story of Bella and Edward. Edward is unfortunately a vampire, a vampire who's blood-thirsty body thirsts for Bella more than any other human. Can you see how this would make having a relationship hard? I dare you to read it! And then, read the whole series so you can come to the midnight release party with me and my other Twilight-obsessed-friends on August 2nd AND to the movie in November!
Here I am at Borders with my friend, and equally obsessed Twilight-reader, Veronica, at the Breaking Dawn display. You can be there with us in August!