Wednesday, August 13, 2008

5 Grandma Favorites!

5 Grandma Favorites!

1. Grandma always has a positive attitude.  My mom has to be one of the most optimistic people I know.  She looks for the good in things and tries to have a good time no matter what.  She's so fun and cheery.

2. Grandma is always willing to babysit.  Chad and I are so thankful for my parents in regards to how much they take care of Jordan.  We know that if we ever need (or want) a babysitter they are always there.  

3. Grandma goes along with my crazy projects.  In my 28 years I have come up with some crazy projects, from last-minute Halloween costumes to sewing purses, she is always there willing to help me as much as she can.  

4. Grandma cheers me on when I run.  Runs are usually early in the morning, and sometimes in cold weather.  My mom is always ready to be out there watching me run.  Today, she was asking me what she needs to do so she can start running.  Love it!

5. Grandma always thinks about other people.  It's easy to overlook this, but my mom is a very caring and thoughtful person.  We joke about how she will ask me questions about what Chad likes when Chad is sitting right next to me...but really, she's just trying to do things for Chad.  In the mornings when/if I talk to her on the way to work, she always remembers to tell me to have a good day.  It's these little things that are so easy to miss, but that make her such a thoughtful person.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am speechless! I don't know what to say, with tears in my eyes, all I can say is that you make me feel very special and that I love you with all my heart. I admire your creativity and all the thinks you do that make you so special, I never know what is next but it always makes me admire you even more, you make me laugh. You are a wonderful mom, Jordan is very lucky and so are we to have you as our daughter. I am so proud of you. Love you.