Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Time Traveler's Wife

Most Recently Read Book

The Time Traveler's Wife

By Audrey Niffenegger

If I haven't already mentioned this...The Time Traveler's Wife is my absolute favorite book.  It is a book I have read multiple times and which still brings me to tears when I read it.  It's a beautiful love story of two people who's lives are completely intertwined.  It has a science fiction twist to it, in the fact that Henry, one of the main characters, time travels.  He just randomly jumps around in time without any decision on where or when he will go.  There are so many reasons why I love this book.  First of all, it's a love story.  The best kind of love story, where love prevails even through any kind of hardship...not only time traveling, but separation, death,  and other people trying to get in the way, just to name a few.  Beyond that, the author's style is just seems to be so easy.  It just seems like she writing about life, it doesn't seem like she's trying hard to be descriptive or that time traveling is anything but a normal occurence.  I just love the way it reads.  I also love that it is set in Chicago.  I love when books take place in a place where I have been or visited.  It makes me feel more connected with the story.  It's so hard to even explain this book, you just have to read it.  

A couple of posts ago, I wrote about time and never having enough time.  This book made me think about time all over again.  Time is so precious, and there just never is enough time.  We just have to enjoy the time we are given.  All the more reason to make every minute of our lives count.  Cherish your loved ones, bask in the sunlight, breathe in the fresh air.  Cheers to, "The world and time enough."  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this book! I need to reread it.

I agree it's so hard to find time to get everything done. I'm slowly learning that if everything doesn't get done, it's ok.

Will we see you on Saturday for the race?