Well…if everyones doing it…I guess I will, too. First, Laura posted 100 things about herself, and now Kathy has posted twice about herself in 10 “thing” increments. So, I’m starting with ten myself. I have to say it was kind of hard to think of 10 things people may not know about me. I feel like Chad probably knows all these things…but he doesn’t really read my blog, so I think there should be at least 1 of these things that you other readers may not know about me.
1. I secretly wish I could be a barista at Starbucks. (For those of you who don’t know, baristas are the people who work at Starbucks and make those yummy drinks.)
2. I count how many steps I take each day. My pedometer ran out of battery so I seriously count every step I take…give or take a few. I’ve gotta try to at least get to 10,000 every day.
3. Last night, I dreamt of eating a yummy birthday cake with lots of sweet sugary frosting. It wasn’t even a slice, I was just digging my fork right into an entire cake. Yum. I love birthday cake!
4. There are times when the roof of my mouth itches…and I scratch it with my tongue.
5. I hate it when a dish is left in the sink with food still in/on it. I know sometimes the dishwasher is full or there isn’t time to put it in the dishwasher, and I can handle if there’s a dish in the sink…but, I loathe the crusty cereal that dries to the sides of a bowl after it’s been sitting there all day.
6. I hate physically washing dishes…this the explanation for number 5 above.
7. I love the dishwaser and believe it to be one of the greatest inventions (see 5 and 6). It might be because we didn’t have one growing up…although I never really did the dishes anyway…my mom usually did them.
8. I can make friendship bracelets with my eyes closed. I used to make them all the time when I was a kid and seriously don’t even have to look. It’s completely automatic. Sadly, this is not really a useful skill, seeing as most of my friends to not go around sporting frienship bracelets.
9. My favorite color is pink. Maybe you could have guess this about me but it wasn’t until recently that I officially declared my favorite color to be pink. It was red for a really long time…but I told Chad the other day that my favorite color is now pink.
10. I love talking to Chad in bed before we go to sleep each night…unless he falls asleep watching TV while I’m still reading.