Happy Halloween everyone! Usually we get to trick or treat a few times on Halloween, but because it fell on a Saturday we just did trick-or-treating at my parents' house yesterday with family. Here are Jordan and Alex in their costumes! Jordan was Diego and Alex was a cowboy!!

I tried numerous times to get a picture with Jordan dressed as Diego and me as Dora but he was in a Cranky mood, yes, that's cranky with a capital C. Here we are with backpack and rescue pack!

Grammy and Jordan!

Jordan with dad!

These boys love their lollipops!

There's a smile! He was happy when he was getting candy!

We had to dump out all the candy and sort it. I used to do this as a kid. I would make little piles of all the same kind of candy and then count how many pieces I had.

Here's the best Dora and Diego picture we could get!

Double fisting the lollipops.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. We sure did!
His costume really turned out great. The two of you together are precious. I think my favorite picture is the two lollipop action. You can tell he was loving those lollies!
looks like you all had a lot of fun! you're costumes were adorable, and i really like that pumpkin, too cute. is it yours? i think your husband should've been "boots" to complete the look, haha!
You are the cutest Dora ever! Jordan's costume really turned out great! Way to go!
LOVE the pumpkin! Hehe. But I do love your costumes. SO cute! I bet he thought it was all worth it when he saw the candy!
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