Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slice of Life #25 - You Don't Have To Let Go

The Slice of Life Challenge is hosted by Two Writing Teachers.

This is totally random but last night we somehow got onto the topic of Jessica Simpson and her music. I loved her songs when she was actually singing songs (now I don't even know what she does...). I ended up listening to her In This Skin album and remembered this song:

She sings this song to her dad and it's beautiful. When I got married, I danced to this song with my dad for our dance together. I'm such a daddy's girl. He helped me to become the strong person that I am and to be able to deal with anything difficult that comes my way. I doubt that many people are familiar with this song but I love it so I wanted to share it.

It's so interesting how we move through stages in our lives. I'm so lucky that in everything I have been through, I have always had my parents to support me. I can't imagine going through some experiences without them.

When I first read the short story "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros, it really made me think about how we carry around our experiences with us. I love how she explains that even though the main character is five, she still carries around the 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1-year-old versions of herself. I love the notion that even though I am 32, there are times when I might feel like a younger version of me. A younger version who gets emotional about things or needs a hug sometimes. This song reminds me of that story. It's about being the adult that I am but at the same time being my parents' daughter no matter what. I love you mom and dad!

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